Ser el principal club de fútbol en el estado de Washington y más allá. ​
Proporcionar un ambiente profesional que permita a los jugadores desarrollarse técnica, táctica, física y mentalmente para competir en los niveles más altos del fútbol. Esto se hará proporcionando el más alto nivel de entrenamiento en un entorno seguro y de la manera más rentable posible. ​
Valores fundamentales
Liderazgo | Responsabilidad | Integridad | Trabajo en equipo | Éxito | Juego limpio
To be the premier soccer club in the state of Washington and beyond.
To provide a professional atmosphere that allows players to develop technically, tactically, physically, and mentally in order to compete at the highest levels of soccer. This will be done by providing the highest level of coaching in a safe and environment and in the most cost efficient manner possible.
Leadership | Accountability | Integrity | Teamwork | Success | Fair Play
Snohomish Youth Soccer Club: A 501c3 non-profit offering holistic soccer education, diverse tournaments, and excellence on and off the field.
Our primary programs consist of Snohomish United, Snohomish Recreational, and TOPSoccer. Snohomish United is a year long premier level program that competes in the highest level of competition in the state, regionally, and nationally. Snohomish Recreational is a local 3 month long program designed for those looking to just have fun and play with their friends. Our award winning TOPSoccer program (The Outreach Program of Soccer) is a community-based training and team-placement program for young athletes with disabilities, organized by youth soccer association volunteers. This program is designed to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to any boy or girl, ages 4 to Young Adult, with a disability of any kind.
Board of Directors
President - Chris Miller millerbrothers1@yahoo.com
Vice President - Loren Carlson
Treasurer - Tara Uderitz
Secretary - Christina Dizard
Office Manager - Amy Mikulsky
Top Soccer - Linda Kautz
Director at Large - Bill Colello
Director at Large - Kevin Prescott
Director at Large - Scott Fox
Director at Large - Janice Hrysiuk
Interested in serving on the SYSC Board of Directors?
Board elections occur every year within 60 days of our last tryout. Positions up for election are as follows. If you would like to be considered for an open position, please complete the application below and we will be in touch.
Odd years: President, Treasurer and (2) Directors-at-Large
Even years: Vice President, Secretary and (2) Directors-at-Large